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PUBLIC MARKS with tag "wait to tag"

27 July 2006 13:00

用 XML-RPC 開發 Web 服務: 針對 Perl 的 XML-RPC 入門

by feision
本文將帶您快速瞭解什麼是 XML-RPC 以及如何使用 Perl 的 Frontier::RPC 庫來創置簡單的用戶端和伺服器。

XML-RPC Home Page

by feision & 6 others
What is XML-RPC? XML-RPC Directory Specifications Implementations Services Blogging APIs Communities Tutorials/Press It's a spec and a set of implementations that allow software running on disparate operating systems, running in different environments to make procedure calls over the Internet.


by feision
術語名稱:XML-RPC 術語全名:XML-RPC 術語說明: XML-RPC是一個使用HTTP作為傳輸協定、並使用XML作為資料編碼方法的遠端程序呼叫(RPC)。XML-RPC被設計的盡可能的簡單讓複雜的資料結構可以被傳送、處理和傳回。藉由建立這樣的標準可以讓在不同的作業環境中的軟體經由網際網路互相對彼此進行程序呼叫。

27 July 2006 11:00

Zoundry - User Guide

by feision
Blog Platform Account Type API Used Endpoint URL and notes Blogger Atom URL not required. File upload and categories are not supported. (Need FTP to host images.) MSN Spaces MSN Spaces XML-RPC URL not required. File upload is not supported. (Need FTP to host images.). MSN Spaces allows only one category per post. Post entry date and time can not be set to a future date and time. MSN Spaces will always use the current date and time in this case. Typepad Atom URL not required. Supports fileupload. WordPress WordPress XML-RPC The URL to the xmlrpc.php. For example, Supports fileupload. (File upload should be enabled via WordPress Admin page).

27 July 2006 08:00 - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, RSS Sharing, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Share Files

by feision & 70 others
Free Online Storage Access important files from any computer Share photos, and files too big for email Synchronize and backup folders Sub-accounts and RSS feeds for groups

27 July 2006 06:00

The Sect of Homokaasu - The Gematriculator

by feision & 6 others (via)
The Gematriculator is a service that uses the infallible methods of Gematria developed by Mr. Ivan Panin to determine how good or evil a web site or a text passage is.

27 July 2006 05:00

造翼者的天空 - Wingmakers Skyutopia:彎彎 - MSN塗鴉對話選輯Part 1

by feision
演出人員:彎彎、元 060720--彎仔的野望 060716--所謂聯誼 060720--彎仔的野望


by feision
再貼三個可以放在分類的時間圖案 slk230 - 新手必看教學๑۩ | 2005-06-25 13:32:14 鼓勵此網誌:0  推薦這個部落格: 1660 若無圖代表監控連線中斷 還有一堆~~~慢慢選吧

Free Weather Stickers for Your Homepage! : Weather Underground

by feision
特點: Wunder 相片 NEXRAD 雷達 地域雷達 擴大或縮小衛星雲圖 圖片 Trip Planner 熱帶性低氣壓 海洋 惡劣天氣近況 天文 滑雪 教育 Blogs 喜愛 Personal Weather Stations Email: Password: clear clear clear clear clear Print This Page Print This Page Forecast Flyer Forecast Flyer 地圖 United States 溫度 高溫指數 風寒指數 濕度 露點 風 能見度 噴射氣流 國際 美國 加拿大 墨西哥 中美洲 南美洲 亞洲北部 亞洲南部 歐洲 澳洲 非洲 島嶼國家 南極洲 Information Need Help? Link to Us About Us Custom Weather Newspaper Weather Advertising Vacation Deals # Save On Vacation Condo Rentals # Save money with Timeshare rentals Sungshan Condos and Vacations Condominiums for sale, for rent, and vacation rentals # Las Vegas Condos # Orlando Vacation # Web Directory # Sungshan Condos Sungshan Singles # Find A Local Date # Meet Older Singles In Your Area Bodybuilding Supplements # Cheap supplements # Bodybuilding forums Online deals! # Weight Loss # Cortislim Internet Mall # Sungshan Car Insurance # Sungshan Broadband Service Providers # Sungshan Vacation Rentals # Bariatric Surgery Sungshan # Sungshan Car Rentals # Magnets # Sungshan Tummy Tuck # Sungshan Vacation # DSL Service Providers Sungshan # Sungshan Payday Loans # Cosmetic Surgery Sungshan # Sungshan Plastic Surgery # Sungshan Online Dating # Sungshan Hotels # Taiwan Homeowners Insurance Internet Shopping # Sungshan Timeshares # Sungshan Internet Service # Liposuction Sungshan # Sungshan DSL # Internet Providers Sungshan # Sungshan Foreclosures # Sungshan Real Estate # Medical Billing Software # Health Insurance Taiwan # Fredericksburg Virginia Real Estate # RV - Recreational Vehicles Internet # Sungshan Vacation Packages # Incorporation Taiwan # Sungshan Life Insurance # Sungshan Personal Injury Attorney # Taiwan Bankruptcy Canadian Pharmacy # Canada Pharmacy # Canada Drugs Health # Weight Training and Bodybuilding # Women's Workout Information College Students # Fraternity # Sorority # Puerto Escondido Google Search Search the Net! Powered by Google l3b14 Jul 26 2006 15:00:44 Free Weather Stickers® for Your Homepage! We have cooked up some fun dynamic images for you to put on your homepage. In return, all we ask is that you link the image to our site. Here's How it Works: 1. Click on any Weather Sticker® 2. Copy the HTML code on the resulting page 3. Paste it onto your page

26 July 2006 16:00

Blog Backup, Blog Publisher, Blog Tool/Utility, Blog to PDF book, Blogger - BlogCollector

by feision
BlogCollector®: Backup your blog. Publish your blog into a book! Quick links: Demos | Download | Upgrade Backup Your Blog Before It is too Late: You have spent a lot of time as well as effort to keep running a successful blog. We know your ideas, your stories, and your thoughts are priceless. Wouldn't it be a disaster that one day all your blog entries are gone due to a hack attack or hardware failure on your blogging service provider? Use BlogCollector to backup all your blogs before it is too late. Publish Your Blog into a Book: Guess what, many people do not feel comfortable to read blogs! They prefer classic elegant books. To reach these audience, you can publish your blog into a book with BlogCollector. And do not forget to print out one copy for Grandma. It's easy, and it's FREE!: You can use the Lite version FREE of charge. Also you might want to upgrade to a higher version for more features.

瀏覽器2.0時代來臨 你做好準備了嗎?__企業軟體頻道

by feision

26 July 2006 13:00


by feision & 114 others
Create a personal Bloglines page loaded with the freshest news about the things you love.

26 July 2006 09:00


by feision & 6 others
怡志認為 最近更新 * 大學不是生產線 new * 如果指紋外洩? * 讓我退訂好嗎 * 我是網友,怎樣?! * 思想警察,你好 * 分散式運算把電腦變大、拉近科學距離 * 圖表達人的練習簿 * SMS.AC免費送簡訊,有詐! * 為災民工作一天 * 注音文ㄉ研究所 * 網路廣告、千元有找 * 網路釣魚偽裝郵件騙帳號密碼 * 提升PageRank,讓網站脫穎而出 * 假性一胎化? 男女嬰空前失衡 * 大家來寫維基百科全書 * 電話詐騙:佯稱和解,否則斷手斷腳(內容不新,但持續發生) * KUSO來了! 老李賣瓜 * 出了書:《我可以改變》上市 * 當老師:開始教商業圖表! * 好評佳:浪漫筆名產生器 * 超實用:網路新聞稿守則 * 非常酷:我成了Qoo代言人 * 好朋友:賴治怡 | 陳文芬 關鍵字:網路謠言 | 資訊圖表 | 邪教

WordPress 與 Typo 的初步比較 @ 天佑的自由天地

by feision & 1 other (via)
之前一直想試用 Typo,但一直都因為懶的關係,所以遲遲未安裝試用,最近終於都提起勁行動。 可能有些朋友未必知 Typo 是什麼,Typo 是一個使用 Ruby on Rails 編寫的 blogging 軟件,和 WordPress 等都是發佈 blog 的工具,如果只以 WordPress 及 Typo 的基本功能作比較,Typo 無疑比 WordPress 更為優勝,因為 Typo 已經內置 Ajax Live Search、Ajax Comment 及 Tagging 功能,但 WordPress 的用戶群大,所以 plugins 開發者亦相繼很多,所以 plugins 的數量也比 Typo 的多,要加入這些功能亦非難事,而且還可以在相同的範疇內提供更為優勝的功能,Ultimate Tag Warrior 便是一例。

Library Views 圖書館觀點 :: blog 文獻的引用 :: July :: 2006

by feision
前幾天梁董在 Blog與學術引用 談到我 blog 的內容被一本期刊的某篇文章大量參考卻沒有註明參考或引用來源,當天梁董就把那篇文章影印給我。在看到文章所參考 的內容時,感覺有夠差的 ... 類似這樣的事情已經發生很多次了,只是這次是來自一本期刊上。其實該篇文章對 Library 2.0 做了不錯的整理與介紹。覺得奇怪的是,參考國外 blog 的內容就會註明引用來源,但參考我的或國內的確沒有。 我要澄清一點的是,雖然我的 blog 內容大部分都是翻譯自國外的 blog,但仍有許多是我個人的看法及想法。如果是屬於前者,歡迎大家 copy,我樂於幫大家做翻譯的服務 (如果不怕我翻錯的話),但如果是屬於後者,就請各位尊重一下小弟我,要引用可以,但請註明引或參考來源。

26 July 2006 08:00

JOHO - July 23, 2006

by feision & 1 other
The fact that Wikipedia encourages us to use these notices give us confidence that Wikipedia is putting our interests over its own. So, why is it that you don't see such frank notices in traditional sources such as newspapers and encyclopedias? Is it because their articles don't ever suffer from any of these human weaknesses? Oh, sure, newspapers issue corrections after the fact, and "This is non-neutral opinion" is implicit on the Op-Ed page. But why isn't there any finer grain framing of the reliability and nature of what's presented to us in their pages? Can we come to any conclusion except that traditional authorities are more interested in maintaining authority than in helping us reach the truth?

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